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Frankfurter writes that he will be unable to attend Whitehead's 80th birthday celebration on account of obligations to the Supreme Court.

Whitehead sends his greetings to Taylor, noting that he recently received a book from Paul Weiss

Weiss says he doesn't remember where he put his Whitehead notes

Ford asks Weiss to send along the notebook as soon as possible

Weiss agrees that Ford can have the notebook again, and notes some other remebered details

Ford asks Weiss to send him an old notebook of Whitehead notes

Notes for Whitehead's seminar. They are typed and pasted into a pre-numbered notebook. It seems likely that the notes are not Weiss's, and that he instead got them from another student. See LET636 and LET637.

Student notes on Whitehead's Philosophy 3b for the spring 1927 term. The first fourteen pages are Weiss's handwritten notes, while the last five pages are Ford's efforts at transcribing a portion of them.

Interview by Ford of a woman who knew the Whiteheads. Includes a letter sent by Ford requesting the interview.
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